Today's storytelling.
Dance, dance, dance, dance ! And what a tuuune for today from the universal comms team... Chic and "Dance, dance, dance". Wow what a great vibe to begin with. I wonder how that beat will move us through the cards today ? Let's see shall we ? So our first card today is the 7 of cups ( cups representative of the water element and of feelings and emotions) Decisions, decisions ,decisions ... What an array of choices are presented to our chap. What to choose? What's real and what's just wishful thinking? Which choice to make, which direction to take? How to get in flow.... its all a bit like a game of snakes and ladders in truth... thinking we're heading in a direction only to need to change tack at the last minute. A message to tap into our heart and intuition, not to simply be distracted by shiny things, or put off by an apparent challenge, as we navigate the unknown new world. Our second card today is the knight of wands ( wands representative of the fire element and action) ... and we're off ... (see the horse in the background), the onward journey is under starters orders.... Time to dance to the beat of our own drum . A memory ( little cosmic fax dropping in there) pops into my mind of a friend who would attend the annual Shamanic Earth Dance . Where she would dance for days until in a trance like reality. An altered state of consciousness.... again a little hint of our current evolutionary experience. What is a shaman I hear you ask.....A shaman is the wise person who acts as an intermediary between the manifest and un-manifest worlds. ( which could be a metaphor for where we find ourselves right now, between the old and the new world ) As Human beings we have the power to shape the world in alignment with spirit, the universe and mother nature. Each of us holds responsibility for consciously bringing spirit and matter together within us. Our job is to aid in the restoration of wholeness and oneness, beginning with ourselves. It's an invitation to the dance of our own beat. Wholeness begins within each of us, first and foremost. Then collectively that beat synchronises together to create an amazingly powerful symphony. Just imagine that for a moment, separation to unity, disconnection to oneness. Our final card today, 14 Temperance, may at first glance seem at odds here today and yet I sense a unusual intense eagerness with this card as it appears. I have a feeling of being at the starting block, ready to begin, energy pulsing, high on anticipation.... and yet there's still that need for balance, temperance and restraint. Our figure is poised ready... waiting.... for..... just.... the .... right...... moment. To summarise, its time to follow our heart and intuition, move through illusion. Begin with moving to the beat of our own drum first. Get in tune with whats true for our own soul and spirit ... then and only then, can we begin to create an orchestral movement.... to play a new collective symphony, that we can play in tune with one another, the world and the whole of nature. #makingadifference #lifeisbeautiful
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