I may avoid watching and reading wall to wall news. But like everyone in the UK , one story has been surrounding us all in the last 24 hours, without possiblity of escape. I write today, not because I choose to give power, exposure or attention to the actions of two individuals, but because as a mother of a daughter, I believe to be around the same age as the young man who sadly lost his life, my heart hurts, it literally aches with pain for his mother and his family. Now I'm all about positivity, as anyone who reads my blog, has worked with me or knows me will tell you.I always look for the greater meaning, or the gift that we can draw from even the most saddening and difficult situaitions. It's very hard to see the gift in this horrific incedent. But we have to make good this loss, as human beings, as spiritual beings, we cannot allow this to pass without in some way learning from it. “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind” I posted this quote; often attributed to Ghandi on my facebook status last night, a simple statement after yesterday's tragic events. So many of my friends and followers agreed, liked and commented. If there's one important lesson we can take from this, it's that if we allow FEAR in and push LOVE out, then these two individuals will have started a ripple that will go on and on, striking at the very core of life here in the UK. I include here the famous song from a true peaceful warrior of his time; John Lennon, he championed LOVE as being the answer. The lyrics ask us to Imagine all the people living life in peace... and that's where I truly feel we need to focus our energy. I understand the feelings of anger. Anger is a truly powerful force, but if we can just take the energy and channel it into LOVING action, into championing PEACE then we can make a positive stand against such violent actions. In seeing that we are all connected and all part of a greater whole, then we stand a chance of making this painful lesson have meaning, to be the seed of LOVE , not HATE or FEAR, a seed that can be the catalyst to the new, to a shift of overwhelming postive force. No matter what your, beliefs, religious, non- religious, spiritual, cultural, there is one thread that runs throughout and that is; LOVE is always the answer. If we have differences, then lets examine them, lets discuss them lovingly and with empathy, courage and a real desire to understand one another. We may not all be able to agree, we may not be more right, or more wrong than one another, but then; just then, we may be able to be respectful of each other, be in harmony and live alongside one another, in an intergrated, not segregated way. You may say I'm a dreamer Until next time,
Make every moment a loving and peaceful one, Lisa xxx
in·tu·i·tion (noun).
~ The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition. ~ Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight. ~ A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression. What is Intuition? Intuition is the inherent ability to connect with our "inner self." Our inner self (or "higher self") is that part of us that knows everything we need to know and helps guide us through our existence in the physical world. Successful business people are often described as having a "sixth sense," "gut feel" or an "intuitive" feeling about their business, career, industry trends or stock market trends. What is it that makes them so successful? Usually, they have consciously strengthened their natural intuitive abilities and learned to make those abilities work for them in the business world. Are you using your intuition? Intuition can take many forms:
Some of the most inspirational and successful people I have come across in business, actively tap into their inuition. Some use tools such as Astrology, Numerology, dowsing, all tools that work for them, which may sound extreme to some of you that are reading this.....but it works! I choose a card for the day every morning, to allow me to "Check in" with my own inner guidance! Let me give you an example..... Take the example of the best traders in the City..... they combine their knowledge and logic with raw "Gut instinct" in the split second they make their ground breaking deals. People like Donald Trump, Sir Richard Branson, Walt Disney to name a few are people who have all listened to that “inner knowing” and followed it, sometimes on multi million or even multi billion dollar deals. They have acted on it and been proved right time after time. Often that knowing had no basis in logical reality, yet it was right. Let me name a few others that trusted their intuition........ 1) Masaru Ibuka Founder and chairman of Japan's Sony Corp. Asked in an interview, "What is the secret of your success?" He said he had a ritual. Preceding a business decision, he would drink herbal tea. Before he drank, he asked himself, "Should I make this deal or not?" If the tea gave him indigestion, he wouldn't make the deal. "I trust my gut, and I know how it works," he said. "My mind is not that smart, but my body is." 2) Tom Peters Management consultant and best selling author "Leaders trust their guts. "Intuition" is one of those good words that has gotten a bad rap. For some reason, intuition has become a "soft" notion. Garbage! Intuition is the new physics. It's an Einsteinian, seven-sense, practical way to make tough decisions. Bottom line, circa 2001 to 2010: The crazier the times are, the more important it is for leaders to develop and to trust their intuition." 3) From Forbes Business Magazine:-Peter Vegso played a hunch that turned his struggling publishing company into an industry powerhouse. At a 1992 booksellers convention he attended, an acquaintance, Jack Canfield, was peddling a manuscript of inspirational stories he had collected over 20 years as a motivational speaker (Chicken Soup for the Soul). One hundred and forty publishers had rejected the book. Canfield asked Vegso to look at it. "I said, 'Jack, I'll publish it,'" recalls Vegso, president of Health Communications Inc. "He said, 'Don't you have to read it first?'" … the rest, so they say, is history! Inspired? Interested? Curious? If you want to harness the power of YOUR intuition you can join myself and Adrian Peck on a one day workshop Friday 5th March, more details HERE Lisa x |