Welcome to the 100 day challenge!
Thanks for joining me for the 100 day challenge. I will be inspiring you to bring your dreams and aspirations to life through creative goal setting and inspired daily action. You'll receive support, encouragement and celebration along the journey with like minded individuals.
If you haven't already, you can join the 100 day challenge facebook group here.
Thanks for joining me for the 100 day challenge. I will be inspiring you to bring your dreams and aspirations to life through creative goal setting and inspired daily action. You'll receive support, encouragement and celebration along the journey with like minded individuals.
If you haven't already, you can join the 100 day challenge facebook group here.
Week 1

Day 1
Happy New Year all so today is the first day of the 100 day challenge! hopefully there's not too many sore heads this morning So how did you get along with your preparations for day 1?
Here's day 1's action again if you didn't see it yesterday:
If you did nothing else, what 3 things would make this 100 days a success for you? ( be specific)Why bother? (what outcome are you looking for? What are the benefits to you?)
Once you have your top 3 things, we're going to turn them into "I AM" statements...
so for example one of my 3 is:
"It is the 10th of April 2014 and I AM eating a healthy diet without refined sugar daily".
I'm stating it as its already manifest, I'm in the energy of being sugar free,already achieved.
The next step is to identify actions TODAY that will ensure that I AM Sugar free.
It may be helpful to make a visual representation of the intent/ goal, by writing it down and placing it were i can see it throughout the day ( as I'm a visually orientated). Or maybe a photo or picture that is representative.
If your primarily auditory ( as its what you hear, the talk that goes on inside your head) then you could have a mantra such as " I AM healthy and energised and from eating food without sugar"
Of course its also important to "Feel" the benefits in advance
For those familiar with the Reiki principles, you may find it helpful to use a similar approach... " Just for today I AM eating a diet without sugar" which of course I can repeat daily, it feels achievable, because its "Just for today" and then when I repeat daily... before I know it I'm sugar free and its the 10th April!
So here's your first challenge.... choose your 3 intents/ goals and if you'd like to share them, of course we can support in making them specific and measurable
Happy New Year all so today is the first day of the 100 day challenge! hopefully there's not too many sore heads this morning So how did you get along with your preparations for day 1?
Here's day 1's action again if you didn't see it yesterday:
If you did nothing else, what 3 things would make this 100 days a success for you? ( be specific)Why bother? (what outcome are you looking for? What are the benefits to you?)
Once you have your top 3 things, we're going to turn them into "I AM" statements...
so for example one of my 3 is:
"It is the 10th of April 2014 and I AM eating a healthy diet without refined sugar daily".
I'm stating it as its already manifest, I'm in the energy of being sugar free,already achieved.
The next step is to identify actions TODAY that will ensure that I AM Sugar free.
It may be helpful to make a visual representation of the intent/ goal, by writing it down and placing it were i can see it throughout the day ( as I'm a visually orientated). Or maybe a photo or picture that is representative.
If your primarily auditory ( as its what you hear, the talk that goes on inside your head) then you could have a mantra such as " I AM healthy and energised and from eating food without sugar"
Of course its also important to "Feel" the benefits in advance
For those familiar with the Reiki principles, you may find it helpful to use a similar approach... " Just for today I AM eating a diet without sugar" which of course I can repeat daily, it feels achievable, because its "Just for today" and then when I repeat daily... before I know it I'm sugar free and its the 10th April!
So here's your first challenge.... choose your 3 intents/ goals and if you'd like to share them, of course we can support in making them specific and measurable

Day 2
Mind mapping .
So today your challenge is to take each of your three goals/ intent separately and delve a little deeper through the use of a mind map.
A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from the central word or phrase, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches. Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items related to a central key word or idea.
So for example if you intent is : " Make me time"
That would be the centre of the mind map. from that then allow your mind to map out the branches, so maybe asking yourself questions such as :What does me time look like? What will I do in my me time? How do I want to spend my me time? When will I take my me time? Will I plan time for myself daily, weekly, monthly?
May start your mind map flowing. Of course its helpful to also capture the benefits of having "More me time" so just what will it bring you?
A mind map can allow your mind to discover all the facets of your intent/ goal to really hone into the detailed daily action towards it.
Good luck, cant wait to hear how you get along :)
Lisa x
Mind mapping .
So today your challenge is to take each of your three goals/ intent separately and delve a little deeper through the use of a mind map.
A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from the central word or phrase, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches. Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items related to a central key word or idea.
So for example if you intent is : " Make me time"
That would be the centre of the mind map. from that then allow your mind to map out the branches, so maybe asking yourself questions such as :What does me time look like? What will I do in my me time? How do I want to spend my me time? When will I take my me time? Will I plan time for myself daily, weekly, monthly?
May start your mind map flowing. Of course its helpful to also capture the benefits of having "More me time" so just what will it bring you?
A mind map can allow your mind to discover all the facets of your intent/ goal to really hone into the detailed daily action towards it.
Good luck, cant wait to hear how you get along :)
Lisa x

Day 3.Making your goals and intents SMART
Today we're going to get really specific on our goals and intents. I'm sure many of you will have come across SMART before, its not new, but it is a very useful way of getting really clear on our goals.
SMART stands for:
Time bound
So for example if your intent/ goal is : Learn new courses
How might it become, more specific? What course? when? with who?
How will you know when its achieved? What will success look like?
How attainable is it from where you are now? what's your previous knowledge? are there any pre-requisites for taking the course?
How realistic is it? Do you have sufficient time? funds? who else do you need to consult/ inform or require support from?
Is it Time- bound? When will you begin? when will you complete it? when will you book it? What date will you take the course?
So today's challenge is to turn your goals and intents into SMART statements.
Let me know how you get along :)
Lisa x
Today we're going to get really specific on our goals and intents. I'm sure many of you will have come across SMART before, its not new, but it is a very useful way of getting really clear on our goals.
SMART stands for:
Time bound
So for example if your intent/ goal is : Learn new courses
How might it become, more specific? What course? when? with who?
How will you know when its achieved? What will success look like?
How attainable is it from where you are now? what's your previous knowledge? are there any pre-requisites for taking the course?
How realistic is it? Do you have sufficient time? funds? who else do you need to consult/ inform or require support from?
Is it Time- bound? When will you begin? when will you complete it? when will you book it? What date will you take the course?
So today's challenge is to turn your goals and intents into SMART statements.
Let me know how you get along :)
Lisa x

Day 4.The power of journalling.
Words have power. Whether they are thought, spoken or written down, there is a magical energy held within ] words, through journal writing we can bring this energy to life and also positive change into our lives.
No matter if you believe in God, Universal Energy, the power of the mind, synchronicity, the Muse, yourself or humanity – with words you can create transformation.Through journalling you’ll gain clarity, and begin attracting the help, guidance and information you need to move closer to your own idea of a better life.
The Law of Attraction
The Universe is one of vibration, where like attracts like, where a thought attracts its match. It works like this: the clearer the thought, and the more powerful the emotion attached to that thought (positive or negative), the faster you attract that thing/situation/person into your life. You will draw towards you what you feel worth of, no more, no less.
“The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state...Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.” ― James Allen, As a Man Thinketh
Capturing daily gratitude in your journal will also focus your energy on all the great things in your life, and when you notice those great things, guess what? the universe and your mind will notice more things to be grateful for... Like attracts like. Its a universal law!
So today's challenge is to get yourself a notebook, something that is attractive and appealing to you and begin your daily journal. Capture your Goods, Trickies and Do differently's. Record your progress against your goals and intents, this will focus you on each little win and give you motivation to keep noticing the opportunities moment by moment to be in alignment with your goals.
And finally include your daily gratitude.
Lisa x
Words have power. Whether they are thought, spoken or written down, there is a magical energy held within ] words, through journal writing we can bring this energy to life and also positive change into our lives.
No matter if you believe in God, Universal Energy, the power of the mind, synchronicity, the Muse, yourself or humanity – with words you can create transformation.Through journalling you’ll gain clarity, and begin attracting the help, guidance and information you need to move closer to your own idea of a better life.
The Law of Attraction
The Universe is one of vibration, where like attracts like, where a thought attracts its match. It works like this: the clearer the thought, and the more powerful the emotion attached to that thought (positive or negative), the faster you attract that thing/situation/person into your life. You will draw towards you what you feel worth of, no more, no less.
“The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state...Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.” ― James Allen, As a Man Thinketh
Capturing daily gratitude in your journal will also focus your energy on all the great things in your life, and when you notice those great things, guess what? the universe and your mind will notice more things to be grateful for... Like attracts like. Its a universal law!
So today's challenge is to get yourself a notebook, something that is attractive and appealing to you and begin your daily journal. Capture your Goods, Trickies and Do differently's. Record your progress against your goals and intents, this will focus you on each little win and give you motivation to keep noticing the opportunities moment by moment to be in alignment with your goals.
And finally include your daily gratitude.
Lisa x

Day 5.
Future self visualisation
Today, I'm going to take you beyond your 100 day challenge and take a visit into your future. You're going to meet future self!
The purpose of this exercise is to connect with your inner wisdom and go beyond the limits you may be setting for yourself today.
Let me know how you get along!
Lisa x
Future self visualisation
Today, I'm going to take you beyond your 100 day challenge and take a visit into your future. You're going to meet future self!
The purpose of this exercise is to connect with your inner wisdom and go beyond the limits you may be setting for yourself today.
Let me know how you get along!
Lisa x

Day 7.
Hows your fuel gauge?
For any lasting transformation or change our thoughts and beliefs must change first. First of all you need to understand how your mind effects your life- both positively and negatively ( thoughts become things!)
I'm sure all of us could find lots of reasons to feel bad if we really tried and really wanted to right? Our outer circumstances and environment can change from moment to moment with the flow of life. We may feel helpless to change the situations around us.... but what we can do is change our response to what's going on on the outside, we have responsibility... as in the ability to choose our response. Or, we can just RE-ACT as in act out again in exactly the same way as we did in similar situations before, giving us, guess what... the same old , same old!
Quantum physicists and all the great spiritual teachers have aligned themselves behind one idea- everything is energy. Everything we see, feel, sit on, eat off of... the sun , the wind, the rain... all energy.
You too are energy, and the frequency of your energy can be heightened or lowered according to your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. The frequency you send out at any given moment, attracts like frequencies.
So when you're having a bad day when you get up in the morning and trip over the cat, if you don't shift your energy and therefore your frequency you're simply going to attract more cats to trip up over.. metaphorically speaking, I'm sure you get my drift!
Each of us has an energy scale- negative at the bottom, positive at the top.
Positive energy includes our brilliance, goodness, inspiration LOVE sits right on up there at the top, passion, optimism, happiness and joy.
Negative energy sits at the bottom and includes , anger, depression, sadness, guilt, pessimism, sense of lack and right on down there at the bottom FEAR.
Everyday we bounce up and down this scale depending on our circumstances and our response to them.
The energy you choose ( yes you choose it, its an inside job) determines your experience.
See your scale as a fuel gauge.
When your fuel tank nears empty, you start worrying about running out of fuel, of being stranded- being left behind, stuck, stagnant. When it's full, you're confident and able to move forward, and explore. You have unlimited energy and ideas flow.
So what fills your tank?
So today's challenge is:
Draw a graph of your scale from high to low. Write words next to the top, middle and bottom that describe your personal emotional traits at each point.
Then become aware of how you've been effecting your own energy towards your goals and intents.
Ask yourself:
Where am I on my scale?
What do I feel like when I'm at the top?
What do I feel like when I'm at the bottom?
What does my voice sound like when I'm at the top? at the bottom?
What makes me laugh?
What makes me feel god? having I been doing enough of that?
What have I been eating? how does that effect my energy?
What do I feel like right now?
What are my three easiest steps for raising my energy?
Look forward to sharing your end of day reflections x
Hows your fuel gauge?
For any lasting transformation or change our thoughts and beliefs must change first. First of all you need to understand how your mind effects your life- both positively and negatively ( thoughts become things!)
I'm sure all of us could find lots of reasons to feel bad if we really tried and really wanted to right? Our outer circumstances and environment can change from moment to moment with the flow of life. We may feel helpless to change the situations around us.... but what we can do is change our response to what's going on on the outside, we have responsibility... as in the ability to choose our response. Or, we can just RE-ACT as in act out again in exactly the same way as we did in similar situations before, giving us, guess what... the same old , same old!
Quantum physicists and all the great spiritual teachers have aligned themselves behind one idea- everything is energy. Everything we see, feel, sit on, eat off of... the sun , the wind, the rain... all energy.
You too are energy, and the frequency of your energy can be heightened or lowered according to your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. The frequency you send out at any given moment, attracts like frequencies.
So when you're having a bad day when you get up in the morning and trip over the cat, if you don't shift your energy and therefore your frequency you're simply going to attract more cats to trip up over.. metaphorically speaking, I'm sure you get my drift!
Each of us has an energy scale- negative at the bottom, positive at the top.
Positive energy includes our brilliance, goodness, inspiration LOVE sits right on up there at the top, passion, optimism, happiness and joy.
Negative energy sits at the bottom and includes , anger, depression, sadness, guilt, pessimism, sense of lack and right on down there at the bottom FEAR.
Everyday we bounce up and down this scale depending on our circumstances and our response to them.
The energy you choose ( yes you choose it, its an inside job) determines your experience.
See your scale as a fuel gauge.
When your fuel tank nears empty, you start worrying about running out of fuel, of being stranded- being left behind, stuck, stagnant. When it's full, you're confident and able to move forward, and explore. You have unlimited energy and ideas flow.
So what fills your tank?
So today's challenge is:
Draw a graph of your scale from high to low. Write words next to the top, middle and bottom that describe your personal emotional traits at each point.
Then become aware of how you've been effecting your own energy towards your goals and intents.
Ask yourself:
Where am I on my scale?
What do I feel like when I'm at the top?
What do I feel like when I'm at the bottom?
What does my voice sound like when I'm at the top? at the bottom?
What makes me laugh?
What makes me feel god? having I been doing enough of that?
What have I been eating? how does that effect my energy?
What do I feel like right now?
What are my three easiest steps for raising my energy?
Look forward to sharing your end of day reflections x

Day 8.
Today I will......
very simple but powerful challenge today.Your challenge today is to commit to doing one thing that takes you towards your goal or intent.
Make a commitment to yourself today, write it down..... then just do it!
Today I will......
very simple but powerful challenge today.Your challenge today is to commit to doing one thing that takes you towards your goal or intent.
Make a commitment to yourself today, write it down..... then just do it!

Day 9.
Solutions v problems.
You may remember I talked about "Seeing the obstacles in advance" on Day 6. Today I'm going to help you overcome any obstacles or blocks that may be popping up between you and your intents and goals. You know anyone of those "What's stopping me's" from Day 6.
How do you feel when you think about your problems all day? Do you toss and turn at night worrying about your work, your family, money, health?
Do you sense how this low-end negativity brings you down? When we focus on the problems, our energy sinks to the low end of our scale ( see DAY 7) And guess what? Our problems or blocks appear even bigger!
One of the quickest ways to raise our energy, focus and motivation towards achieving our goals and intents, or even the small steps towards them, is to focus on at least three potential solutions to every problem or block you think about. This shifts the mind from limited, negative thinking, to open, creative, energy filled thinking.... inspired thinking.... and new possibilities.
So today's challenge:Write down three problems, or blocks facing you right now, that are holding you back from stepping into your I AM statements ( or in other words achieving your goals and intents)
Then next to each one write three possible solutions.
Problems: Solutions:
Solutions v problems.
You may remember I talked about "Seeing the obstacles in advance" on Day 6. Today I'm going to help you overcome any obstacles or blocks that may be popping up between you and your intents and goals. You know anyone of those "What's stopping me's" from Day 6.
How do you feel when you think about your problems all day? Do you toss and turn at night worrying about your work, your family, money, health?
Do you sense how this low-end negativity brings you down? When we focus on the problems, our energy sinks to the low end of our scale ( see DAY 7) And guess what? Our problems or blocks appear even bigger!
One of the quickest ways to raise our energy, focus and motivation towards achieving our goals and intents, or even the small steps towards them, is to focus on at least three potential solutions to every problem or block you think about. This shifts the mind from limited, negative thinking, to open, creative, energy filled thinking.... inspired thinking.... and new possibilities.
So today's challenge:Write down three problems, or blocks facing you right now, that are holding you back from stepping into your I AM statements ( or in other words achieving your goals and intents)
Then next to each one write three possible solutions.
Problems: Solutions:

Day 10.
Mindful breathing.
Well its day 10... Wow well done everyone we made it this far
As some of you may have seen I'm without voice right now, so its very quiet here at Holly House ...lol
Made me think that perhaps with all the activity we've been undertaking that perhaps today we should have a day to slow down a little !
So today's challenge ( and I suggest this as an ongoing everyday practice from now on) Is 5 minutes mindful breathing.
This is something a suggest to all of my coaching clients, as it helps them to remain focused, connected and gain clarity.
When you are preparing a meal or making a cup of tea, do you focus fully on that task, or (most likely) are you thinking of a hundred and one other things at the same time? Are you often trying to do several things at once; juggling to keep all your balls in the air? Well, mindfulness could be said to be the opposite of multi-tasking and there is much evidence to suggest that becoming more mindful is beneficial to our health and well-being.
In recent years psychologists and medical professionals have been interested in this concept as an approach to helping people deal with modern day problems and illnesses and there has been a great deal of research into the health benefits of mindfulness. The results are surprisingly powerful. Mindfulness training has been shown to relieve stress, help with depression and anxiety, help people manage chronic pain, aid people with sleep disorders and can be an effective approach for people with eating disorders. It has also been used successfully to help athletes ‘get in the zone’ before an event.
Some people are more mindful than others. People who are more ‘mindful’ in their daily lives have better quality personal and intimate relationships, are less likely to experience psychological distress, are more extroverted and have better self-esteem. They may be more likely to achieve personal and professional goals, more aware of their emotions and are less troubled by them and more likely to feel in control of things. So, in summary, mindfulness is a pretty powerful tool to help you deal with the stresses of modern life and to help you to reach your goals.
How Mindful Are You?
The questions below are from the "Mindful Attention Awareness Scale," developed by Kirk Warren Brown and Richard M. Ryan. How many times can you answer “no” to the questions below?
o I could be experiencing some emotion and not be conscious of it until sometime later.
o I break or spill things because of carelessness, not paying attention, or thinking of something else.
o I find it difficult to stay focused on what’s happening in the present.
o I tend to walk quickly to get where I’m going without paying attention to what I experience along the way.
o I tend not to notice feelings of physical tension or discomfort until they really grab my attention.
o I forget a person’s name almost as soon as I’ve been told it for the first time.
o It seems I am “running on automatic” without much awareness of what I’m doing.
o I rush through activities without being really attentive to them.
o I get so focused on the goal I want to achieve that I lose touch with what I am doing right now to get there.
o I do jobs or tasks automatically, without being aware of what I’m doing.
o I find myself listening to someone with one ear, doing something else at the same time.
o I drive places on “automatic pilot” and then wonder why I went there.
o I find myself preoccupied with the future or the past.
o I find myself doing things without paying attention.
o I snack without being aware that I’m eating.
Okay, don’t panic! Most of us would struggle to answer “no” to many of these questions. What they do however, is give you some ideas as to areas in your life where you could try to be more mindful. For example, next time you have to go somewhere, leave a little earlier and really try to pay attention to the journey. Or, next time someone comes to talk to you, stop what you are doing and consciously focus on what they are saying to you.
The good news is that mindfulness is something that you can cultivate by meditation and practice in everyday life
Mindful breathing
Mindful breathing meditation to help you de-stress
Here’s a really simple mindful breathing meditation that you can do whenever you’re feeling tense and stressed.
• Stop whatever you are doing and take a deep breath in to your belly. Breathe out with an ‘ahhhh’ sound, as you relax your body and mind. Do this 3 times.
• Now allow your breathing to settle into a natural rhythm.
• Bring all of your focus to your breathing. Allow your mind to rest, watching, listening to and feeling the physical sensations of your breath.
• As you breathe in, you might like to mentally say something like, “I breathe in.”
• As you breathe out, you might like to mentally say something like, “I breathe out.”
• If you are feeling particularly stressed, you might choose phrases such as “I breathe in relaxation; I breathe out stress and worry.”
• If your mind wanders, that’s ok. Gently bring it back to following your breath.
• Repeat this for at least 10 breaths. Do it in a relaxed way, with a gentle smile on your face.
This technique is a wonderful, fast de-stressing tool, as well as being useful mindfulness practice.
Even if you’re not feeling stressed, you can still benefit hugely from regular practice of mindful breathing throughout your day. It can help you move into the present moment much more easily. And the more you practice, the easier it gets. It has a subtle, yet profound, impact on all aspects of your experience of life.
Mindful breathing.
Well its day 10... Wow well done everyone we made it this far
As some of you may have seen I'm without voice right now, so its very quiet here at Holly House ...lol
Made me think that perhaps with all the activity we've been undertaking that perhaps today we should have a day to slow down a little !
So today's challenge ( and I suggest this as an ongoing everyday practice from now on) Is 5 minutes mindful breathing.
This is something a suggest to all of my coaching clients, as it helps them to remain focused, connected and gain clarity.
When you are preparing a meal or making a cup of tea, do you focus fully on that task, or (most likely) are you thinking of a hundred and one other things at the same time? Are you often trying to do several things at once; juggling to keep all your balls in the air? Well, mindfulness could be said to be the opposite of multi-tasking and there is much evidence to suggest that becoming more mindful is beneficial to our health and well-being.
In recent years psychologists and medical professionals have been interested in this concept as an approach to helping people deal with modern day problems and illnesses and there has been a great deal of research into the health benefits of mindfulness. The results are surprisingly powerful. Mindfulness training has been shown to relieve stress, help with depression and anxiety, help people manage chronic pain, aid people with sleep disorders and can be an effective approach for people with eating disorders. It has also been used successfully to help athletes ‘get in the zone’ before an event.
Some people are more mindful than others. People who are more ‘mindful’ in their daily lives have better quality personal and intimate relationships, are less likely to experience psychological distress, are more extroverted and have better self-esteem. They may be more likely to achieve personal and professional goals, more aware of their emotions and are less troubled by them and more likely to feel in control of things. So, in summary, mindfulness is a pretty powerful tool to help you deal with the stresses of modern life and to help you to reach your goals.
How Mindful Are You?
The questions below are from the "Mindful Attention Awareness Scale," developed by Kirk Warren Brown and Richard M. Ryan. How many times can you answer “no” to the questions below?
o I could be experiencing some emotion and not be conscious of it until sometime later.
o I break or spill things because of carelessness, not paying attention, or thinking of something else.
o I find it difficult to stay focused on what’s happening in the present.
o I tend to walk quickly to get where I’m going without paying attention to what I experience along the way.
o I tend not to notice feelings of physical tension or discomfort until they really grab my attention.
o I forget a person’s name almost as soon as I’ve been told it for the first time.
o It seems I am “running on automatic” without much awareness of what I’m doing.
o I rush through activities without being really attentive to them.
o I get so focused on the goal I want to achieve that I lose touch with what I am doing right now to get there.
o I do jobs or tasks automatically, without being aware of what I’m doing.
o I find myself listening to someone with one ear, doing something else at the same time.
o I drive places on “automatic pilot” and then wonder why I went there.
o I find myself preoccupied with the future or the past.
o I find myself doing things without paying attention.
o I snack without being aware that I’m eating.
Okay, don’t panic! Most of us would struggle to answer “no” to many of these questions. What they do however, is give you some ideas as to areas in your life where you could try to be more mindful. For example, next time you have to go somewhere, leave a little earlier and really try to pay attention to the journey. Or, next time someone comes to talk to you, stop what you are doing and consciously focus on what they are saying to you.
The good news is that mindfulness is something that you can cultivate by meditation and practice in everyday life
Mindful breathing
Mindful breathing meditation to help you de-stress
Here’s a really simple mindful breathing meditation that you can do whenever you’re feeling tense and stressed.
• Stop whatever you are doing and take a deep breath in to your belly. Breathe out with an ‘ahhhh’ sound, as you relax your body and mind. Do this 3 times.
• Now allow your breathing to settle into a natural rhythm.
• Bring all of your focus to your breathing. Allow your mind to rest, watching, listening to and feeling the physical sensations of your breath.
• As you breathe in, you might like to mentally say something like, “I breathe in.”
• As you breathe out, you might like to mentally say something like, “I breathe out.”
• If you are feeling particularly stressed, you might choose phrases such as “I breathe in relaxation; I breathe out stress and worry.”
• If your mind wanders, that’s ok. Gently bring it back to following your breath.
• Repeat this for at least 10 breaths. Do it in a relaxed way, with a gentle smile on your face.
This technique is a wonderful, fast de-stressing tool, as well as being useful mindfulness practice.
Even if you’re not feeling stressed, you can still benefit hugely from regular practice of mindful breathing throughout your day. It can help you move into the present moment much more easily. And the more you practice, the easier it gets. It has a subtle, yet profound, impact on all aspects of your experience of life.

Day 11.
Time to celebrate :)
We've been on this journey together now for 11 days ( including today that is)
And as its the weekend I think its about time we celebrated don't you ?
Its so important to celebrate the small wins, the progress , the magic moments along the way !
So your challenge today is "celebrate good times "
Take time today to celebrate xxx
Time to celebrate :)
We've been on this journey together now for 11 days ( including today that is)
And as its the weekend I think its about time we celebrated don't you ?
Its so important to celebrate the small wins, the progress , the magic moments along the way !
So your challenge today is "celebrate good times "
Take time today to celebrate xxx

Day 12.
Letter from your future self.
So today my challenge for you is to imagine that it is now the 10th April 2014 from your future self write yourself a letter sharing all the changes you're noticing in your life. Have fun ! Lisa xxx
Letter from your future self.
So today my challenge for you is to imagine that it is now the 10th April 2014 from your future self write yourself a letter sharing all the changes you're noticing in your life. Have fun ! Lisa xxx

Day 13.
Feel the benefit.
To make the achievement of your goals and intents more compelling, its important to FEEL the benefits. When I say FEEL the benefits, that's exactly what I mean.
Ok, it's great to start by taking each of your 3 major goals or intents and write down the WIIFM ( the what's in it for me). As if there's no compelling reason for you to achieve it, you simply won't start or your motivation will soon wane.
You see if we can identify the WIIFM you're much more likely to have the desire to make the changes or take the actions to bring your goals and intents to life.
Once you've identified all of the WIIFM for each and written them down, then it's about creating the picture, the sounds, the colours and most importantly the feelings of having it...... stepping into it as though its already real. Then imagine turning up the brightness, the colour, the sound, make it a movie, see it though your own eyes as if its really happening. The as you get the feelings of having this experience in your life right now, intensify the feelings. Then hold the intent that you will notice all of the opportunities, help, and doors that open to take you closer to this experience.
Then let the magic unfold!
Let me know how you get on, in your daily reflection later!
Lisa x
Feel the benefit.
To make the achievement of your goals and intents more compelling, its important to FEEL the benefits. When I say FEEL the benefits, that's exactly what I mean.
Ok, it's great to start by taking each of your 3 major goals or intents and write down the WIIFM ( the what's in it for me). As if there's no compelling reason for you to achieve it, you simply won't start or your motivation will soon wane.
You see if we can identify the WIIFM you're much more likely to have the desire to make the changes or take the actions to bring your goals and intents to life.
Once you've identified all of the WIIFM for each and written them down, then it's about creating the picture, the sounds, the colours and most importantly the feelings of having it...... stepping into it as though its already real. Then imagine turning up the brightness, the colour, the sound, make it a movie, see it though your own eyes as if its really happening. The as you get the feelings of having this experience in your life right now, intensify the feelings. Then hold the intent that you will notice all of the opportunities, help, and doors that open to take you closer to this experience.
Then let the magic unfold!
Let me know how you get on, in your daily reflection later!
Lisa x

Day 14.
Resolve yourself to pay the price.
in order to achieve your goal or intent, there will be a need to pay the price. I'm not talking about money here, I'm meaning, in order to for example " Be sugar free" there will need to be a resolve to not eat sugar. So when those sugar cravings kick in there is a price ( emotionally to pay) by saying no to the craving, I'll be saying yes to being sugar free for example.
If your goal or intent was to run the London marathon, the price to pay maybe getting up early to train in advance of the event. By saying yes to the training you are resolving to pay the price of achieving your goal. If however you said no no to getting out of bed, but yes to staying under the quilt you wouldn't have been prepared to pay the price to reach your goal.
So today's challenge is to look at your three goals/ intents and ask yourself " By saying yes to this goal, what do I have to say no to?" and then ask yourself are you resolved to pay the price?
Let me know how you get along :)
Lisa xx
Resolve yourself to pay the price.
in order to achieve your goal or intent, there will be a need to pay the price. I'm not talking about money here, I'm meaning, in order to for example " Be sugar free" there will need to be a resolve to not eat sugar. So when those sugar cravings kick in there is a price ( emotionally to pay) by saying no to the craving, I'll be saying yes to being sugar free for example.
If your goal or intent was to run the London marathon, the price to pay maybe getting up early to train in advance of the event. By saying yes to the training you are resolving to pay the price of achieving your goal. If however you said no no to getting out of bed, but yes to staying under the quilt you wouldn't have been prepared to pay the price to reach your goal.
So today's challenge is to look at your three goals/ intents and ask yourself " By saying yes to this goal, what do I have to say no to?" and then ask yourself are you resolved to pay the price?
Let me know how you get along :)
Lisa xx

Day 15.
Focus like a laser beam.
You may have heard the saying ' where focus goes energy flows' and do you know it's so true.
Have you noticed when you give something your total undivided attention how productive you can be. Well thats just like a laser beam. If we think for a minute about that. Light is simply energy just like the light given off from a bulb lighting your room.... simply energy... however take that same energy then direct it through a laser .....the concentration of that energy is so powerful it can cut through solid matter.
Imagine then, how powerful we become when we focus our energy and intent just like a laser beam !
We achieve greater results , faster !
So today's challenge is to take one of your goals and focus your energy and actions just like a laser beam
Focus like a laser beam.
You may have heard the saying ' where focus goes energy flows' and do you know it's so true.
Have you noticed when you give something your total undivided attention how productive you can be. Well thats just like a laser beam. If we think for a minute about that. Light is simply energy just like the light given off from a bulb lighting your room.... simply energy... however take that same energy then direct it through a laser .....the concentration of that energy is so powerful it can cut through solid matter.
Imagine then, how powerful we become when we focus our energy and intent just like a laser beam !
We achieve greater results , faster !
So today's challenge is to take one of your goals and focus your energy and actions just like a laser beam

Day 16
Well we've been busy since the 1st of January. ... I've been working flat out myself...
I don't know about you ?
My body has been encouraging me to rest for well over a week now.... so today's challenge is to do just that.Find time today to rest.Take a breath.
Recharge ready for the next step towards your goals xx
Well we've been busy since the 1st of January. ... I've been working flat out myself...
I don't know about you ?
My body has been encouraging me to rest for well over a week now.... so today's challenge is to do just that.Find time today to rest.Take a breath.
Recharge ready for the next step towards your goals xx

Day 17.
Good morning, how are we all today?
I'm hoping by now that you're starting to see progress towards your 3 goals, or maybe you're already achieving them (in which case maybe you might want to consider stretching a little further )
I wanted to challenge yourself today to get really committed to your own success.
So toady's challenge is get committed.
So take each of your 3 goals/ intents and ask yourself
- What are the things i need to do that maybe I don't want to do to achieve this goal?
If you have enough passion you can get yourself to do anything, but first you must be certain about what "anything" might be. Today's challenge let's look that tiger straight in the eye!
Good morning, how are we all today?
I'm hoping by now that you're starting to see progress towards your 3 goals, or maybe you're already achieving them (in which case maybe you might want to consider stretching a little further )
I wanted to challenge yourself today to get really committed to your own success.
So toady's challenge is get committed.
So take each of your 3 goals/ intents and ask yourself
- What are the things i need to do that maybe I don't want to do to achieve this goal?
If you have enough passion you can get yourself to do anything, but first you must be certain about what "anything" might be. Today's challenge let's look that tiger straight in the eye!

Day 18 . Proud
I was thinking this morning about what today's challenge should be when Heather Small's voice rang out in my ou feel head! The song that was playing ( in my headat least lol) was "What have you done today to make you feel proud?"
So thanks to Heather Small that is today's challenge, notice every action today that you take towards your goals that make you feel proud!
We'll be sharing later in our end of day reflection!
Have a great Saturday folks... and make yourself proud x
I was thinking this morning about what today's challenge should be when Heather Small's voice rang out in my ou feel head! The song that was playing ( in my headat least lol) was "What have you done today to make you feel proud?"
So thanks to Heather Small that is today's challenge, notice every action today that you take towards your goals that make you feel proud!
We'll be sharing later in our end of day reflection!
Have a great Saturday folks... and make yourself proud x

Day 19.
Pay it forward.
You may have come across this concept before, or watched the film of the same name ( if not I highly recommend it)
Basically the idea is you pay forward a good deed to 3 people , without expectation of return... then those 3 people pay it forward to 3 people ...on it goes... very soon you've started a ripple around the World.
You may be thinking thats great Lisa, but how does that have anything yo do with the 100 day challenge?
Well remember what we said about the power of gratitude and by being in the energy of being abundant you would attract more abundance ( law of attraction in action )?
If you're paying it forward you're already in the energy of gratitude and abundance. .... you have to have it in order to give it away... think about it for a moment. .. you can only give what you have... otherwise there would be nothing to give !
So today's challenge is pay it forward
I look forward to hearing how you get along x
Pay it forward.
You may have come across this concept before, or watched the film of the same name ( if not I highly recommend it)
Basically the idea is you pay forward a good deed to 3 people , without expectation of return... then those 3 people pay it forward to 3 people ...on it goes... very soon you've started a ripple around the World.
You may be thinking thats great Lisa, but how does that have anything yo do with the 100 day challenge?
Well remember what we said about the power of gratitude and by being in the energy of being abundant you would attract more abundance ( law of attraction in action )?
If you're paying it forward you're already in the energy of gratitude and abundance. .... you have to have it in order to give it away... think about it for a moment. .. you can only give what you have... otherwise there would be nothing to give !
So today's challenge is pay it forward
I look forward to hearing how you get along x

Day 20. It aint what you do its the way that you do it!
sorry for the lateness of this post, had a few interenet problems today!
So today I'm thinking about the way we do things... our attitude.
Are you showing up each day with your attitude towards your goals at 100%?
What perectage are you currently at? Right now, in this moment?
If it's less than 100%... where the rest?
Your challenge today is to check on your attitude....
sorry for the lateness of this post, had a few interenet problems today!
So today I'm thinking about the way we do things... our attitude.
Are you showing up each day with your attitude towards your goals at 100%?
What perectage are you currently at? Right now, in this moment?
If it's less than 100%... where the rest?
Your challenge today is to check on your attitude....

Day 21 birthday.
Hi all I'm writing tomorrow's challenge this evening as it's my birthday tomorrow and I'll be driving about 4 hours to a business meeting and then 4 hours back... do could be a full and long day !
As its my birthday I thought what better than to ask you what will have changed in your life by your next birthday apart from the number of course !
Hi all I'm writing tomorrow's challenge this evening as it's my birthday tomorrow and I'll be driving about 4 hours to a business meeting and then 4 hours back... do could be a full and long day !
As its my birthday I thought what better than to ask you what will have changed in your life by your next birthday apart from the number of course !

Day 22.
Thanks for your fabulous posts yesterday. I loved reading your before next birthday posts.
I thought today may be a good day to share your successes from the 22 days so far...
I look forward to seeing all of your posts xx
Thanks for your fabulous posts yesterday. I loved reading your before next birthday posts.
I thought today may be a good day to share your successes from the 22 days so far...
I look forward to seeing all of your posts xx

Day 23. Stretch.
Well today I thought I'd talk about the stretch. Just as when we're exercising our muscles we have to continually stretch them in order to tone and build them.....in order for us to grow as people we need to stretch ourselves beyond where we are to make lasting changes.
Call it stepping outside your comfort zone in to your opportunity zone if you like.
So today's challenge is to identify the 'stretch' that will take you beyond where you are now.... to the next level .... to take a leap towards your goals.
And then make that stretch happen... just go for ut !
Look forward to hearing your progress.
Lisa x
Well today I thought I'd talk about the stretch. Just as when we're exercising our muscles we have to continually stretch them in order to tone and build them.....in order for us to grow as people we need to stretch ourselves beyond where we are to make lasting changes.
Call it stepping outside your comfort zone in to your opportunity zone if you like.
So today's challenge is to identify the 'stretch' that will take you beyond where you are now.... to the next level .... to take a leap towards your goals.
And then make that stretch happen... just go for ut !
Look forward to hearing your progress.
Lisa x

Day 24. What if?
I love this game, sometimes I call it the "I wonder" game, and sometimes the "What if?"
Its very simple, its a way of using your imagination to vision yourself with your goals achieved.
Simply ask yourself "What if I had my goal/dream intent right now?" and allow your imagination to work its magic... or if you prefer "I wonder...."
It's amazing what your imagination and intuition can turn up.... just look out for the aha moments and inspiring nudges x
I love this game, sometimes I call it the "I wonder" game, and sometimes the "What if?"
Its very simple, its a way of using your imagination to vision yourself with your goals achieved.
Simply ask yourself "What if I had my goal/dream intent right now?" and allow your imagination to work its magic... or if you prefer "I wonder...."
It's amazing what your imagination and intuition can turn up.... just look out for the aha moments and inspiring nudges x

Day 25
Biggest, wildest, most outrageous dreams.
Yesterday I was blessed to run 'Create your vision 2014' with a group of amazing people. One of the questions that I asked them was 'what's you biggest, wildest, most outrageous dream'
I wanted to see how bigg, big was... how limitless they could be...
So today I'm asking you all the same question...And I invite you to share xx
Biggest, wildest, most outrageous dreams.
Yesterday I was blessed to run 'Create your vision 2014' with a group of amazing people. One of the questions that I asked them was 'what's you biggest, wildest, most outrageous dream'
I wanted to see how bigg, big was... how limitless they could be...
So today I'm asking you all the same question...And I invite you to share xx

Good morning all on this super Sunday !
It occured to me that many started this journey and quite a few have dropped by the wayside, feeling they couldn't keep up with the daily chalenges.
I wanted to encourage you all to be kind to yourselves.... you don't have to carry out every challenge on the day its posted to make a difference. If you have then, that's fantastic , I'm sure you will reap the benefits.
But better to dip in and out at your own pace than give up and throw in the towel all together.
I was so blessed to work with the fabulous group of people on Friday at create your vision 2014. ... all had different dreams and desires for themselves.... but what struck me is that most of our dreams are within reach, or with just a little stretch within our grasp.
My point being , just little steps will make big changes.
Yesterday I asked you to think about your biggest most outrageous dreams. .... and do you know what they're really possible.....
So today's challenge on day 26 is very simple..... your challenge is to jump back on the 100 day challenge bus! You can jump back on at any stop (challenge) and get involved with those challenges that resonate with you.
Don't give up ( for those who have read my book will know I've written about this subject) ..... it's just at the point where we feel like giving up that we're likely to have our breakthrough.
Enjoy your Sunday
It occured to me that many started this journey and quite a few have dropped by the wayside, feeling they couldn't keep up with the daily chalenges.
I wanted to encourage you all to be kind to yourselves.... you don't have to carry out every challenge on the day its posted to make a difference. If you have then, that's fantastic , I'm sure you will reap the benefits.
But better to dip in and out at your own pace than give up and throw in the towel all together.
I was so blessed to work with the fabulous group of people on Friday at create your vision 2014. ... all had different dreams and desires for themselves.... but what struck me is that most of our dreams are within reach, or with just a little stretch within our grasp.
My point being , just little steps will make big changes.
Yesterday I asked you to think about your biggest most outrageous dreams. .... and do you know what they're really possible.....
So today's challenge on day 26 is very simple..... your challenge is to jump back on the 100 day challenge bus! You can jump back on at any stop (challenge) and get involved with those challenges that resonate with you.
Don't give up ( for those who have read my book will know I've written about this subject) ..... it's just at the point where we feel like giving up that we're likely to have our breakthrough.
Enjoy your Sunday

Day 27. Marvellous Monday.
Well it's the start of a brand new week and a juicy new marvellous Monday on which to make our mark 😊
So my challenge to you today is , how are you m
aking your Monday Marvellous ? X
Well it's the start of a brand new week and a juicy new marvellous Monday on which to make our mark 😊
So my challenge to you today is , how are you m
aking your Monday Marvellous ? X
Evening all! You may notice theres been an absence of a post for today... I've been onsite running training with a fantastic group of people and unfortunately theres no phone signal there !
So here's Day 28 and 29 in one What do you want your legacy to the World to be ? I invite you to think about how would you like to be remembered when you're gone? What would you want people to say about the life you've lived and how you've lived it? And then ...... what are you doing, being and having right now that is demonstrating that in action today? Or conversely , what needs to change for you to deliver your promise to the World ? |

Day 30. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail ?
Do you know in life , there's no such thing as failure only feedback. What we might perceive as failure is only feedback that if we see it as such gives us all the lessons and teaching we could possibly need to learn and grow.
With this in mind then.... failure isn't possible.
So now that you know you cannot fail..... my challenge to you is what will you do ?
Do you know in life , there's no such thing as failure only feedback. What we might perceive as failure is only feedback that if we see it as such gives us all the lessons and teaching we could possibly need to learn and grow.
With this in mind then.... failure isn't possible.
So now that you know you cannot fail..... my challenge to you is what will you do ?

Its fabulous Friday folks amd Day 31 of our challenge.
Today I wanted to invite you to think about what Saps you and what Zaps you?
There will be people, enviroments, activities amd attitudes that sap you daily..... taking your energy down and slowing your movement towards yiur goals.
There will also be those that Zap you, fire you up, boost your energy and set you on your way to achieving your dreams and goals.
My challenge to you today is to identify what saps you and what zaps you .
Today I wanted to invite you to think about what Saps you and what Zaps you?
There will be people, enviroments, activities amd attitudes that sap you daily..... taking your energy down and slowing your movement towards yiur goals.
There will also be those that Zap you, fire you up, boost your energy and set you on your way to achieving your dreams and goals.
My challenge to you today is to identify what saps you and what zaps you .

Day 32 LOVE
Little word with a big meaning.
The photo below comes from a lovely little pocket sized book "Debbie Huxton 's" Little book of BIG wisdom which popped through my door this week to review. I opened it this morning on a page randomly to seek inspiration for today's challenge.
How perfect to ask ourselves today:
Do you LOVE what you do ?
Do you LOVE where you do it ?
Do you LOVE who you do it with and who you do it for ?
If you answer yes....fantastic...
If you're answering no to any of the above... what needs to change ?
Little word with a big meaning.
The photo below comes from a lovely little pocket sized book "Debbie Huxton 's" Little book of BIG wisdom which popped through my door this week to review. I opened it this morning on a page randomly to seek inspiration for today's challenge.
How perfect to ask ourselves today:
Do you LOVE what you do ?
Do you LOVE where you do it ?
Do you LOVE who you do it with and who you do it for ?
If you answer yes....fantastic...
If you're answering no to any of the above... what needs to change ?

Day 33. Voicemail.
Following on from another lovely little page from Debbie Huxton 's little book of big wisdom.
Sometimes when we're on a journey moving towards our dreams , desires and goals old stuff from the past can pop up when we're least expecting it, trying to convince us we're not good enough or we don't deserve our dreams.
Just for today let the calls from the past go to voicemail
Following on from another lovely little page from Debbie Huxton 's little book of big wisdom.
Sometimes when we're on a journey moving towards our dreams , desires and goals old stuff from the past can pop up when we're least expecting it, trying to convince us we're not good enough or we don't deserve our dreams.
Just for today let the calls from the past go to voicemail

Day 34. Do you have a spring in your step ?
Did you know it was the celebration of Imbolc on the Saturday just gone. Traditionally this is seen as marking the move from winter to the first signs of Spring. Now I don't know about you, but I already have mini daffodils popping their heads through the earth and displaying the bright sunshine yellow of their blooms.( a promise if those sunny days yet to come)
This reminds me that the seeds we have sewn are now starting to grow and whilst its still early days and we might not yet see that growth, it is still taking place , just underneath the surface.
So today's challenge is to notice the spring in your step as you recognise the signs of growth around you and within you.
Enjoy your marvellous Monday xx
Did you know it was the celebration of Imbolc on the Saturday just gone. Traditionally this is seen as marking the move from winter to the first signs of Spring. Now I don't know about you, but I already have mini daffodils popping their heads through the earth and displaying the bright sunshine yellow of their blooms.( a promise if those sunny days yet to come)
This reminds me that the seeds we have sewn are now starting to grow and whilst its still early days and we might not yet see that growth, it is still taking place , just underneath the surface.
So today's challenge is to notice the spring in your step as you recognise the signs of growth around you and within you.
Enjoy your marvellous Monday xx

Day 35. Wheres your heart at?
Many of you may recall the song 'where's your head at' well today's challenge is to note where your thoughts are going ... because that's where your heart's at!
And as we know thoughts become things....
So if whete your tgoughts are heafing isn't where you want your heart to be , make a change... right now today.
Where your focus goes , energy flows....
So I invite you today to consider ..
Where's your heart at?
Many of you may recall the song 'where's your head at' well today's challenge is to note where your thoughts are going ... because that's where your heart's at!
And as we know thoughts become things....
So if whete your tgoughts are heafing isn't where you want your heart to be , make a change... right now today.
Where your focus goes , energy flows....
So I invite you today to consider ..
Where's your heart at?

Day 36. Please do not feed the fears.
Sometimes when we're moving towards our goals the F word can creep in, we've all done it, feeling positive, motivated ...... and then there's a set back ( a learning opportunity) maybe things slow down or we hit a road block... and then it starts... feeding the fears.
And do you know what happens when you feed the fears? They get bigger and bigger and scarier and scarier.. and before you know it you've given up, talked yourself into not carrying on and another dream lies wasted on the floor!
Well let me tell you its simply NOT true.
As we know...
FEAR = False evidence appearing real
So your challenge today is : Please do not feed the fears.
If a false piece of evidence pops up appearing to be real, just realise its simply not true.... its a learning opportunity. All that's required is quality questions!
Let me know how you get along
Lisa x
Sometimes when we're moving towards our goals the F word can creep in, we've all done it, feeling positive, motivated ...... and then there's a set back ( a learning opportunity) maybe things slow down or we hit a road block... and then it starts... feeding the fears.
And do you know what happens when you feed the fears? They get bigger and bigger and scarier and scarier.. and before you know it you've given up, talked yourself into not carrying on and another dream lies wasted on the floor!
Well let me tell you its simply NOT true.
As we know...
FEAR = False evidence appearing real
So your challenge today is : Please do not feed the fears.
If a false piece of evidence pops up appearing to be real, just realise its simply not true.... its a learning opportunity. All that's required is quality questions!
Let me know how you get along
Lisa x

Day 37. Row , row , row your boat.
As I was thinking about today's challenge this nursery rhyme popped into my head. Strange you might think.... however, if you think about the lyrics , very apt.
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream.
What a great metaphor for what we're doing here.
We are rowing towards our dreams and goals , gently and doing so merrily enjoying the journey as we get into the flow.
Life is but a dream and we make it so !
So today I challenge you to notice where you're in the flow, where your rowing your boat and are you doing so merrily.
As I was thinking about today's challenge this nursery rhyme popped into my head. Strange you might think.... however, if you think about the lyrics , very apt.
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream.
What a great metaphor for what we're doing here.
We are rowing towards our dreams and goals , gently and doing so merrily enjoying the journey as we get into the flow.
Life is but a dream and we make it so !
So today I challenge you to notice where you're in the flow, where your rowing your boat and are you doing so merrily.

Day 38. Sail.
Feel a bit of a theme arising after yesterday's challenge 😊
Today I chsllenge you to identify your anchors. Where are you anchored by others to old ways of being that pull you down, hold you back and stop you from sailing towards your dreams and goals ?
Catch you later folks... keep sailing !
Feel a bit of a theme arising after yesterday's challenge 😊
Today I chsllenge you to identify your anchors. Where are you anchored by others to old ways of being that pull you down, hold you back and stop you from sailing towards your dreams and goals ?
Catch you later folks... keep sailing !

Day 39 .Atlantic rowers.
Following on our watery theme, I've just watched an interview on sky news with Jamie , one of the pair who have rowed the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to Antigua . The pair took it in turns to row , 2 hours on , 2 hours off for the 54 days it took to complete their journey. They did it for charity but more than that they set a mahoosive goal and used every ounce of energy to make it happen.
Imagine that ? WOW!
My challenge to you today is to ask yourself..
Do I have all of the energy , determination and resources to stay the course ?
Thinking back to a much earlier challenge....
Are you prepared to pay the price for success and the realisation of your dreams and goals?
Following on our watery theme, I've just watched an interview on sky news with Jamie , one of the pair who have rowed the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to Antigua . The pair took it in turns to row , 2 hours on , 2 hours off for the 54 days it took to complete their journey. They did it for charity but more than that they set a mahoosive goal and used every ounce of energy to make it happen.
Imagine that ? WOW!
My challenge to you today is to ask yourself..
Do I have all of the energy , determination and resources to stay the course ?
Thinking back to a much earlier challenge....
Are you prepared to pay the price for success and the realisation of your dreams and goals?

Day 40. Easy like a Sunday morning.
Well as its Sunday I thought it was time for a bit if R&R . So today's challenge is to take it easy. ... a time for relaxation and reflection. Get out your journal and capture the fantastic journey so far. Reflect on your gratitude, and all of the abundance you have right now in this morning.
And then if you feel you'd like to. .. share here xxx
Well as its Sunday I thought it was time for a bit if R&R . So today's challenge is to take it easy. ... a time for relaxation and reflection. Get out your journal and capture the fantastic journey so far. Reflect on your gratitude, and all of the abundance you have right now in this morning.
And then if you feel you'd like to. .. share here xxx

Day 41. Resourceful.
A bit late today , but heres today's challenge.
It struck me this morning whilst seeing scenes from the floods in the south west ,that despite the awful situation people are finding themselves in at the hands of mother nature , they are being amazingly resourceful.
I saw a clip on the news of one family rowing down their street whilst another house had a canoe tied up outside their front door.
Not a scene you expect to see at all... and reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for.
But what really struck me was how resourceful we can be when we're really up against it. Despite everything nature is throwing at the families depicted, they were finding every resource, no doubt digging deep inside of themselves to overcome the trials and challenges they're being presented with.
So my challenge to you today is to look at what trials and challenges are standing between you and your goals and then ask yourself what resources would it take to over come them.
Then dig deep and find your fire !
A bit late today , but heres today's challenge.
It struck me this morning whilst seeing scenes from the floods in the south west ,that despite the awful situation people are finding themselves in at the hands of mother nature , they are being amazingly resourceful.
I saw a clip on the news of one family rowing down their street whilst another house had a canoe tied up outside their front door.
Not a scene you expect to see at all... and reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for.
But what really struck me was how resourceful we can be when we're really up against it. Despite everything nature is throwing at the families depicted, they were finding every resource, no doubt digging deep inside of themselves to overcome the trials and challenges they're being presented with.
So my challenge to you today is to look at what trials and challenges are standing between you and your goals and then ask yourself what resources would it take to over come them.
Then dig deep and find your fire !

Day 42. Chooseday
Good morning challengers How are you this fabulous CHOOSEday?
This morning I thought I's challenge you to recognise your successes so far.... you know its not always obvious, sometimes you have to look below the surface. Just as in nature sometimes we can't see all the success going on underneath the ground, but its there and only comes to light in the springtime, even though there have been successes taking place right from the get go!
So today I challenge you to dig below the surface to uncover and share your successes... feel free to post so we can help you celebrate ! xx
Good morning challengers How are you this fabulous CHOOSEday?
This morning I thought I's challenge you to recognise your successes so far.... you know its not always obvious, sometimes you have to look below the surface. Just as in nature sometimes we can't see all the success going on underneath the ground, but its there and only comes to light in the springtime, even though there have been successes taking place right from the get go!
So today I challenge you to dig below the surface to uncover and share your successes... feel free to post so we can help you celebrate ! xx

Day 43. There is always a way.
How are you on this wonderful Wednesday ?
I noticed this photo on a friend's facebook and thought it was perfect for today's challenge.
Sometimes when we're moving towards a dream and goal we can become overwhelmed or feel its so far away it's maybe impossible to reach. Or we hit a block that we can't see how on Earth we can get over...... well today's challenge is to find another way.
There's always a way.... Sometimes it may not be obvious or it may even seem impossible. .. but then the word itself says I'm- possible !
So my challenge to you today is to look for another way in any areas where you feel you've got stuck, hit a wall or think you've got to a dead end.... because there's always a way
How are you on this wonderful Wednesday ?
I noticed this photo on a friend's facebook and thought it was perfect for today's challenge.
Sometimes when we're moving towards a dream and goal we can become overwhelmed or feel its so far away it's maybe impossible to reach. Or we hit a block that we can't see how on Earth we can get over...... well today's challenge is to find another way.
There's always a way.... Sometimes it may not be obvious or it may even seem impossible. .. but then the word itself says I'm- possible !
So my challenge to you today is to look for another way in any areas where you feel you've got stuck, hit a wall or think you've got to a dead end.... because there's always a way