Following on from my blog about going back to my roots and also the wonderful weekend I've just spent at Newark BSSK , I'm launching the monthly gathering group, beginning in October. Over the weekend I met so many people who were mirroring my "Going back to my roots" , each of them saying it's the first time I've been to a mind, body and spirit show in years, I just felt like I wanted to come back. This coupled with a conversation I had with a fellow stand holder Phil Bowler, where he mentioned an aspect of my own astrological chart along with the words " Your roots" has sparked a new- but old idea! Let me explain... Many years ago whilst I was still running Calma, myself along with others would hold a fortnightly spiritual group and a fortnightly meditation group. Both groups were always a wonderful gathering of like minded folk. Providing a place to connect and share knowledge and support personal growth, support and balance. After listening to so many people seemingly returning to their roots, along with the other key theme of the weekend, endings and new beginnings I had the spark of an idea to yet again go back to my roots.... but also start something new.I felt I wanted to capture the essence of those old groups but give them new life. So I'm absolutely delighted to announce the birth of "The monthly gathering group". You may also recall that myself and my soul sister and astrologer extraordinaire Lisa Gates held a very special gathering last December to mark the 21.12.12. It was the most wonderful day connecting such wonderful loving souls. Thinking about the energy of that day and the words "The Gathering" I loved the energy of the "Gathering" word, as it really does capture the intent of a space in which to gather and share. So my idea has sparked the new monthly gathering group, I hope that you will join me in connecting with like minded folk for what I hope will become a beautiful community. So the first monthly gathering group will be held on Thursday 10th October here at Holly House in Lincolnshire ( near to Newark) . Booking will be essential as there is only so much space! Of course if there is a big demand I will need to secure a bigger venue! It will run from 6.30pm - 8.30pm and will be priced at just £20 ( includes refreshments) Or if you want to subscribe to the group ( T's and C's apply) you can subscribe for £15 per month. There will also be a Monthly gathering group private facebook forum for those that wish to keep in touch in between meetings. I hope to be welcoming you soon to the monthly gathering group. Lisa x
I've had a very fascinating week so far. I had a lovely exercise fall into my inbox from Sarah Prout - The magic of 55 x 5. Where you write an affirmation by hand 55 times for 5 consecutive days. The affirmation starts with gratitude, as in 'Thank you universe/ source/higher power/ God/ creator or any other name that sits comfortably with you and your belief system... followed by your affirmation stated ion the present tense, then how it makes you feel. So it may look something like this ' Thank you universe for the sunshiny day and picnic with the family I feel abundant and loved' Or ' Thank you universe for the bright red high heeled shoes I feel so elegant when I'm wearing them'... you get the idea... the picnic or red shoes aren't yet in physical manifestation, but you're assuming the feeling and gratitude as if it’s already real in your experience.
I loved this idea, despite the fact I probably haven't hand Witten quite so much or in such frequency since being a student! I was you could say 'fascinated' by the magic of the energetic experiment. I shared my excitement for the little magic making too, with my friends on the private Damsels in Success forum (well worth checking out too ladies, sorry gents it’s a girl thing) As I was also fascinated to see if a the energy of the collective intent would add further to this little project. So as instructed I started writing, and a funny thing happened, my excitement grew, as I progressed a couple of pages, my inner critic popped up and started the chatter ... you know that narrative that goes something like...' This is stupid, do you honestly believe this stuff works?' but still no matter what resistance came up from the inner critic I diligently carried on. I then found I kind of drifted a little, and in that beautiful gorgeous in between space the ideas started to come, a little fuzzy at first but then they came more and more into focus! Each time I did my daily 55 I could feel the energy and excitement building.... now I really was fascinated! We also had a new moon on Monday, so I decided to re-start my abundance bowl and universal cheque at the same time. Focussing my intent has been interesting and again fascinating. So today, I went to have a meeting with a client, the outcome was nothing short of magic... and my affirmation had set into motion, it was manifesting right in front of my very eyes, and only a couple of days after finishing my affirmations! Now you can say it’s simply coincidence, or that there is no magic just concentrated focus... which of course is very true. After all as you will have heard me say many times before, where focus goes energy flows. On my return journey along the M69 the song above was playing on my CD player. As I sang along, yes I know I am old enough to remember all the words! It struck me, when we are fascinated (as appose to the opposite feeling of frustrated, yes you've heard me talk about that before) it brings out an expansive, creative, limitless, anything is possible energy. And I have to say, fascination has proved to bring absolute MAGIC into my life experience so far this week....AND ITS ONLY WEDNESDAY!!!!!! Looking at the lyrics, Phil Oakey and crew have it perfectly sussed.. If it seems a little time is needed Decisions to be made the good advice of friends unheeded the best of plans mislaid (Basically give yourself some space and time when making changes ....) Just looking for a new direction In an old familiar way The forming of a new connection To study or to play ( Allow new learning, play and create) And so the conversation turned Until the sun went down And many fantasies were learned On that day ( Fantasise, daydream, create, allow your mind to wander into the realms of make believe, acting as if, trying on for size, feeling how it feels) Keep feeling fascination Passion burning Love so strong Keep feeling fascination Looking learning Moving on ( when we're fascinated energy and passion build, our pure energy of LOVE - not FEAR... yes you've heard me talk about that one too.... helps us to grow and learn and move forward) Well the truth may need some Re-arranging Stories to be told And plain to see the facts are changing No meaning left to hold ( When we're fascinated we start to see things from different angles, we may experience a paradigm shift, wonderful magic unfolds) Now I've absolutely no idea if that is truly what the Human League were intending the message of the song to be, but I do know this, I'm going to keep feeling fascination and allow the MAGIC to unfold! Today I urge you to get absolutely FASCINATED.. Let me know what occurs :) Until next time, make every moment count, Lisa xxx Warning these may hurt!
1. If you want more than you have got, you must become more than you are. 2. Most people set goals for themselves that are outrageously safe.They keep within limits that are embarrassingly small and so lead marginal lives. 3. Too many people die at 40 and get buried at 80, living half lived lives and going to their graves with undiscovered and their best music in them. 4. If nothing changes, nothing changes. 5. If you work hard on your job you make a living, if you work hard on yourselves you can make a fortune. 6. You cannot earn an above average income, secure an above average position or receive above average recognition until you become an above average learner, an above average performer and an above average person. 7. You must either magnify your skills or modify your dreams. 8.Success is a few disciplines practiced daily, Failure is a few errors in judgement repeated daily. 9. Successful people become successful long before they are recognised as a success. They become successful during their daily routine.. 10. The danger comes when we look at a day we have squandered and believe there has been no harm done. 11. Don't get "through" your day, get "from" your day. 12. Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you have got. 13. The time will come and go anyway, so why not put it to the most constructive, productive use! 14. Being broke is a temporary condition, being poor is a state of mind. 15. If you think you can play it safe and succeed in a big way, you are sadly mistaken. 16. Most people live in a world of "Lack", lack of knowledge, lack of belief, lack of courage, lack of discipline. Lack of enthusiasm, lack of faith, lack of get up and go, lack of hope, lack of inspiration, lack of motivation, lack of action, lack of energy - Stay away from the "Lackers" their contagious! 17. It's never too late to become what you might have been. 18. The past does not equal the future. 19. If you face your fears then the death of fear is certain. 20. I am your greatest companion, I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command, half the things you do you might as well turn over to me, and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly. I am easily managed, you must be firm with me, show me how you want it done, after a few lessons I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great men and women, and alas, of all the failures as well. Those who are failures I have made failures, take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet! Be easy with me and I will destroy you..................................who am i?..........I am habit. Written by Jon Davies Get a Life ! PS Want to know the Secret to bringing these alive.................. |