Now we all talk to ourselves, it's a natural human trait. I certainly do. But here's the thing.... What does it sound like that inner voice? Is yours kind, loving, supportive... your biggest fan? your cheerleader? OR is yours the kind of inner critic I like to call THE GREMLIN? Hmmm... good question hey? Well the best way to tell is to listen to the words yours is using.... Are there words such as... You can, You're good enough, Go for it, I've got your back..... OR can you hear... Don't be stupid, you can't, you're not good enough, who do you think you are? you're going to make a fool of your self. Let's hazard a guess, if you had to say which shows up more, I'm going to bet it's your inner critic... that nagging little Gremlin... am I right? In this instance to really want to be proved wrong. However, in my experience we all give way to that inner critic from time to time, that doubting Thomas that stops us really fulfilling our true potential. This little blog is a subject matter I often talk about in my talks.....I wonder... just how long have you given head space to that little critter? I hope you're charging it a good rent, because I can't think of any other positive reason to give it any head space for so long, can you? Maybe it's time to give your inner critic the heave -ho .... lets call it an eviction from the big brother house that is your head. It's 3.44pm in the big brother house and the inner critic is being evicted.... How about imagining that little critter as a cartoon character and giving it a name... you can see it now can't you? When you look at it now... well it just looks kinda funny really, that cartoon character with that silly name. Well its time that little fella ( or gal) took a long, long holiday. After all its never had a holiday has it? not for any length of time..... that's a long time to go without having a break in my opinion.... So in truth your doing it a favour... giving it a gift no less... You're so generous after all ! That's it you can see it, bags packed, little passport in hand, waving as it takes its little sabbatical to go aggravate, berate, niggle, doubt and moan to itself to its little hearts content. As we know, when a key member of the team ( no matter how detrimental they are) is off on a break, we have to get in a replacement, a bit like getting a substitute teacher ( a good one) to cover the class... after all life is one big humongous class room and every day we're on this Earth is a school day. So guess who's coming to cover? YOUR BIGGEST FAN! Oh how exciting, your biggest fan is well.... just like a cheerleader, they'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, high fiving you at every opportunity ... I know you're picturing them right now aren't you? Take a good look at them, maybe they represent someone you admire, or someone you know, or perhaps some super hero... after all they are a part of you and we absolutely know YOU ARE A SUPER HERO! (Enter soundtrack to Wonder woman or Super man right here) I wonder how is your life different now that your biggest fan is in residence? What will you be, do and have now that you no longer have that little gremlin that you used to shack up in your loft space? Wow... the World's your lobster my friend! Anything is possible now, 'cause your biggest fan is the teacher and well that's going to make one heck of a difference. Just think of all the CANS....... No... not that sort of cans..... I mean CANS instead of CAN'TS ! As we know success comes in cans...... not can'ts. I urge you to take a moment now and consider the language your biggest fan is using. What pictures are you making in your head? Imagine the possibilities, they're limitless... the future is bright the future is ...... Oops in my excitement I got carried away there with word association.. of course other mobile networks are available :) Although I could talk here about the health benefits of vitamin C... of which there are many... but we'll talk about that in a later blog..... Seriously, your vision of the future will be so much brighter with your biggest fan in the CEO post. Life is about to get loved up, miraculous and a whole lot more positive without the neg head, energy drain that was your inner gremlin. Oh, and if it should try to return... He/ she who shall not be names... like a very undesirable character from Harry Potter... just remind it... YOU'RE ON HOLIDAY! MY BIGGEST FAN HAS EVERYTHING COVERED !!!!!! And then give yourself a big hug... be sure to keep it going for 20 seconds so all those juicy feel good vibes dance around your body ! Until next time,
Make every moment count, Lisa xxx
I've had a very fascinating week so far. I had a lovely exercise fall into my inbox from Sarah Prout - The magic of 55 x 5. Where you write an affirmation by hand 55 times for 5 consecutive days. The affirmation starts with gratitude, as in 'Thank you universe/ source/higher power/ God/ creator or any other name that sits comfortably with you and your belief system... followed by your affirmation stated ion the present tense, then how it makes you feel. So it may look something like this ' Thank you universe for the sunshiny day and picnic with the family I feel abundant and loved' Or ' Thank you universe for the bright red high heeled shoes I feel so elegant when I'm wearing them'... you get the idea... the picnic or red shoes aren't yet in physical manifestation, but you're assuming the feeling and gratitude as if it’s already real in your experience.
I loved this idea, despite the fact I probably haven't hand Witten quite so much or in such frequency since being a student! I was you could say 'fascinated' by the magic of the energetic experiment. I shared my excitement for the little magic making too, with my friends on the private Damsels in Success forum (well worth checking out too ladies, sorry gents it’s a girl thing) As I was also fascinated to see if a the energy of the collective intent would add further to this little project. So as instructed I started writing, and a funny thing happened, my excitement grew, as I progressed a couple of pages, my inner critic popped up and started the chatter ... you know that narrative that goes something like...' This is stupid, do you honestly believe this stuff works?' but still no matter what resistance came up from the inner critic I diligently carried on. I then found I kind of drifted a little, and in that beautiful gorgeous in between space the ideas started to come, a little fuzzy at first but then they came more and more into focus! Each time I did my daily 55 I could feel the energy and excitement building.... now I really was fascinated! We also had a new moon on Monday, so I decided to re-start my abundance bowl and universal cheque at the same time. Focussing my intent has been interesting and again fascinating. So today, I went to have a meeting with a client, the outcome was nothing short of magic... and my affirmation had set into motion, it was manifesting right in front of my very eyes, and only a couple of days after finishing my affirmations! Now you can say it’s simply coincidence, or that there is no magic just concentrated focus... which of course is very true. After all as you will have heard me say many times before, where focus goes energy flows. On my return journey along the M69 the song above was playing on my CD player. As I sang along, yes I know I am old enough to remember all the words! It struck me, when we are fascinated (as appose to the opposite feeling of frustrated, yes you've heard me talk about that before) it brings out an expansive, creative, limitless, anything is possible energy. And I have to say, fascination has proved to bring absolute MAGIC into my life experience so far this week....AND ITS ONLY WEDNESDAY!!!!!! Looking at the lyrics, Phil Oakey and crew have it perfectly sussed.. If it seems a little time is needed Decisions to be made the good advice of friends unheeded the best of plans mislaid (Basically give yourself some space and time when making changes ....) Just looking for a new direction In an old familiar way The forming of a new connection To study or to play ( Allow new learning, play and create) And so the conversation turned Until the sun went down And many fantasies were learned On that day ( Fantasise, daydream, create, allow your mind to wander into the realms of make believe, acting as if, trying on for size, feeling how it feels) Keep feeling fascination Passion burning Love so strong Keep feeling fascination Looking learning Moving on ( when we're fascinated energy and passion build, our pure energy of LOVE - not FEAR... yes you've heard me talk about that one too.... helps us to grow and learn and move forward) Well the truth may need some Re-arranging Stories to be told And plain to see the facts are changing No meaning left to hold ( When we're fascinated we start to see things from different angles, we may experience a paradigm shift, wonderful magic unfolds) Now I've absolutely no idea if that is truly what the Human League were intending the message of the song to be, but I do know this, I'm going to keep feeling fascination and allow the MAGIC to unfold! Today I urge you to get absolutely FASCINATED.. Let me know what occurs :) Until next time, make every moment count, Lisa xxx *Clink, Chat & Catch Up!* airs every Wednesday and features an interview with an inspirational person who is following their passion and dreams, and the story behind how they did it! *cork popping* Our goal here at the Bubbly Talk Radio Network is to give the people that listen to us a platform to spread the word on their passions, because after all, that is what we're all about! Listen to internet radio with BubblyTalkRadio on BlogTalkRadio Read the full article and interview hereI may avoid watching and reading wall to wall news. But like everyone in the UK , one story has been surrounding us all in the last 24 hours, without possiblity of escape. I write today, not because I choose to give power, exposure or attention to the actions of two individuals, but because as a mother of a daughter, I believe to be around the same age as the young man who sadly lost his life, my heart hurts, it literally aches with pain for his mother and his family. Now I'm all about positivity, as anyone who reads my blog, has worked with me or knows me will tell you.I always look for the greater meaning, or the gift that we can draw from even the most saddening and difficult situaitions. It's very hard to see the gift in this horrific incedent. But we have to make good this loss, as human beings, as spiritual beings, we cannot allow this to pass without in some way learning from it. “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind” I posted this quote; often attributed to Ghandi on my facebook status last night, a simple statement after yesterday's tragic events. So many of my friends and followers agreed, liked and commented. If there's one important lesson we can take from this, it's that if we allow FEAR in and push LOVE out, then these two individuals will have started a ripple that will go on and on, striking at the very core of life here in the UK. I include here the famous song from a true peaceful warrior of his time; John Lennon, he championed LOVE as being the answer. The lyrics ask us to Imagine all the people living life in peace... and that's where I truly feel we need to focus our energy. I understand the feelings of anger. Anger is a truly powerful force, but if we can just take the energy and channel it into LOVING action, into championing PEACE then we can make a positive stand against such violent actions. In seeing that we are all connected and all part of a greater whole, then we stand a chance of making this painful lesson have meaning, to be the seed of LOVE , not HATE or FEAR, a seed that can be the catalyst to the new, to a shift of overwhelming postive force. No matter what your, beliefs, religious, non- religious, spiritual, cultural, there is one thread that runs throughout and that is; LOVE is always the answer. If we have differences, then lets examine them, lets discuss them lovingly and with empathy, courage and a real desire to understand one another. We may not all be able to agree, we may not be more right, or more wrong than one another, but then; just then, we may be able to be respectful of each other, be in harmony and live alongside one another, in an intergrated, not segregated way. You may say I'm a dreamer Until next time,
Make every moment a loving and peaceful one, Lisa xxx Here we are already in September, can you believe it? Wow is time speeding up ? Now some scientists would tell us it is, some would say time is an illusion, which ever school of thought you adopt, this year does seems to be moving mighty fast. Many times this week I have been reminded just what an important time we are living in. From the CD's I've been listening to in my car ( from Hay House I can do it 2009) to articles I've read, prompts on my newsfeed ,in passing conversation or even on TV ( with the numerous reports of the US rally's for the presidency) We are at a choice point. Now , more than ever before, we are at a point where we need to make some big choices.For ourselves, our family, friends, community and our World. Maybe this is what the Mayan's were really talking about - not the end of the World, but the end of the World as we know it! Add to this reports of hurricanes, extreme weather changes, wars and fighting you could be forgiven for believing the doom-mongers of the mayan prophecies, I personally don't follow that particular train of thought, rather I feel we are at the dawning of a new world age. "Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear." — Joseph Robert Jochmans Now you could get swept along, overwhelmed, not making any choice at all ( although in truth not making a choice , is infact a choice) or you can embrace this wonderful opportunity you have been given, by being here on this Earth at this pivotal point in our history. It really is time to stand in your truth, to be authentic and live from your heart. It really does start with you and me. As Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, commonly known as Mahatma (Great soul) Gandhi simply put it " Be the change you wish to see in the World" If you haven't yet seen the Choicepoint movement then I would urge you to take a look.The Choice Point Movement is a great place to gain insights from visionaries and others, who have shared experiences through their journey of transformation. The Choicepoint movie is also available to watch I was also reminded this week of a beautiful of music from Shawn Gallaway, who is a pioneer of the conscious music movement himself. His song "I choose love" sums up the choicepoint we face globally, but it also brings it home, it starts with us; me and you! So how will you start today? Even the smallest change of choosing love will create a ripple, just like a domino effect amoung all of those around you, and in turn the ripple is carried far and wide. So here's something you could do right now..... Today we hit the magic 200 in the manifesting magical abundance for all group. It really has become a wonderful inspiring community of like-minded souls, all sharing their attitude of gratitude and spreading a blanket of kindeness. If that sounds like a place you'd feel at home then do come along and join us as we cause a ripple around the World. Until next time,
Make every moment count, Lisa x Well what a week it was last week, talk about contrasting emotions. As any other person, I experience the full range of emotions in my life, but rarely can I claim to have felt them all in the same week! For followers of my blogs and posts, I think it would be fair to say that I always look at life with a half full, rather than half empty view point. And this week would be no exception. There were moments in the past week though, as any other spiritual being having a human experince, where even I had some ups and downs on the roller coaster of life. Sometimes it does all come at us at once and at speed, sometimes we are on that roller coaster with no choice but hang on and go along for the ride. Now we can do so with fear and trepidation, with screams and tears, or we can just take a deep breath and accept what comes to us along the ride and do the best we can at any given moment. My week began with the first sight of the cover of "Get a LIfe!-the guide book" and a publishing date of the 30th November this year. Wow I cant begin to express the excitement and the sense of achievement to know that this piece of work , this out pouring of my heart and soul would very soon be a tangible object, that can be held in your hands and read by many. It's certainly a tick marked against my bucket list,it holds a real sense of meaning and purpose for me. A feeling of total elation is how I would describe it! So musch like the excitement of the roller coaster you could say. So what else happened in my roller coaster week you might ask? Well you know sometimes you decide to do something on the spur of the moment? Well I did just that! Don't get me wrong I love spontaneity, but in this case I probably made a bit more work for myself than I truly had the capacity to deliver ( note to self, learn just what you can fit in, in one week!) I decided along with my gorgeous man Jon to decorate the sun room/ utility room, which sounds simple and straight forward right? Well it pretty much was, except that was in addition to fitting a new carpet, building new seating in the pergola in the garden, organising a 50th Birthday party for Jon, shopping for said party, carrying out our normal working week... oh and did I mention the trip to Glenfiled hospital for my beautiful daughter Sarah to have heart surgery??? So much like realising you're on the roller coaster, the attendant has secured you into your seat.... and there's absolutley no chance at this point you can get off! Yes, you did read that correctly, my daughter Sarah had heart surgery on Friday, (It was at this the point of the roller coaster ride I truly did want to scream and cry and very much wish I could get of, I felt completely in the hands and control of the driver or in this case surgeons, but all I could do was take that very big breath and wait the three hour long surgery to see her come back to me)..... and yes,thankfully she did and is making a good recovery. I then had a house full of guests on Saturday for a birthday BBQ which fast became rendition of "You will always find me in the kitchen at party's" for all of our guests due to the unseasonal drenching of the new said garden seating arrangements in the garden pergola! Now I know we are all super heros in disguise, but maybe sometimes, just sometimes we have to recognise that we're not superhuman. This I now recognise... thanks universe for that little lesson. Sarah's surgery was a huge success I might add,and the bonus of her being alowed home the very next day, despite her wobbling around still no doubt under the influence of heavy anesthetic she's making an amazing recovery.Epic bruising aside its absolutely amazing!And for that I'm truly grateful. The party went wonderfully well, and Jon celebrated his half century surrounded by family friends and a mighty fine cake ( thanks to his dad) All in the kitchen ,but still it was a very lovely view of the new garden seating area! I even, in between all this managed to fit in cutting the grass ( which is no mean feat on sodden grass ) around Holly House, and fit in all the normal house hold chores, oh and try to keep up with the emails and messages! Don't get me wrong I'm not moaning or complaining, just recognising that sometimes life is full, fit to bursting, it can be challenging to fit it all in, to find the balance..... oh yes nearly forgot, did I mention I also fitted in writing and delivering a talk/ speaking engagement to a group of wonderful business women from WiRE on "Finding your balance" aptly enough..... I'm just recognising that sometimes we have to know when to stop, when to be still and when to say no. A bit like realising that maybe the roller coaster was just a bit beyond what you had planned for. Just like anyone, I sometimes miss that point, I go hurtling past it and then ( As i did this morning, weary and tired, emotional and everso slightly overwhelmed) I realised, I just needed to stop, apply my own oxygen mask and ask for help. To stop and to get back to my own point of balance. In order that I could replenish my own petrol tank of energy, to be able to support others. So why do I share my roller coaster week with you? Well, to say just this..... It's perefctly ok to stop, its ok to be still, its ok to give yourself permission to give yourself time to find own balance. And it's perfectly ok to recognise you're a human being and experiencing the full gammut of emotion is part of that life experience, even if it does come at you all in the same week! So remember to fill up your own tank, to apply your own oxygen mask, before you can helpothers.Give yourself some TLC, because you're worth it! Until next time, Make every moment count, Lisa xxx As many of you know I was at the "Women inspiring women" awards ( run by Damsels in success) on Saturday night, where the Minister for inspiration Richard Wilkins was MC for the evening, during the evening he made mention of how important it is to share your story, not about what you "Do", or what you've done, but about you, about your journey and how it made you feel..... It struck a chord with me, It made me think..... Now for those of you who know me well you will possibly already know my story, its not unusual, its not so different from many people out there, but I thought it worth sharing... so that you may know where my journey has taken me and how I have got to here..... Get a Life! came to manifestation as a result of an intent I put out sometime ago. In order to bring it to fruition I have been on a long journey to Get a Life! myself. You see, in order to bring Get a Life! to life... I had to wake up! That’s right, wake up! Maybe you’ve done it yourself, you’re drifting along through life, day after day, and showing up to life just as you did yesterday. Then it happens.... sometimes it’s a gentle nudge, a fleeting thought... “There must be more to life than this” or “Is this it? Is this all there is?” or for others it hits like a sledgehammer or demolition ball... shaking you to your very core. For me it was I guess a few nudges to begin with, but I simply didn’t listen, I kept on doing what I did in the same way I’d always done, thinking that’s just what you do.I held down a high powered, high stress corporate career, in fact I was probably the streo-typical, driven, career woman.But when the universe calls to your spirit and you don’t listen, then it calls again and if you still don’t listen; as was the case in my journey, then its shouts at the top of it’s voice for you to wake up. My shout came in the form of severe post natal depression after the birth of my beautiful daughter Sarah, over 19 years ago. This totally debilitating illness was like carrying around the biggest black cloud above my head every where I went, even getting dressed and making a cup of tea was a challenge back then, but still I soildered on, went back to work and continued pushing hard in my career, but the universe kept on shouting, until I simply had to take notice......culminating in me being diagnosed with M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis) Crazy but true...... It took a debilitating illness to make me wake up to my spirit’s call! Many years down the line, I have been on a long and life transforming journey since that time,of which I’m truly grateful, I might add. My journey has taken me through the wonders of complementary therapy,recognising my soul's calling and letting go of my old corporate career,at times having lots of money,at other times having no money,but recognising abundance beyond the material. Years of developing my spirituality,with that experiencing challenges of my beliefs, going on to train as a therapist myself, opening a nationally award winning an holistic centre, and then several years later letting go and closing the holistic centre,in order to move into the next part of my journey. Experiencing a painful and sad divorce from my daughter's dad, who had been part of my life's journey since I was 15. Experiencing life threatening illness in my close family,and the serious life threatening illness of my daughter last year, which as a mother I can say is one of the hardest things to bare. So why share my story? My journey isn't so very different from many, many people I know..... basically there have been many ups and downs and rounds and rounds, until I was ready to Get a Life! myself and in having experienced the range of human emotions, the good times, the challenging times ( all of which are lessons to be appreciated and savoured) in turn I am able and ready to help others. I'm not a guru, I'm not superhuman,(although we're all super heros in disguise as Richard wilkins will tell you!) I share my story so that you can understand this. I share my story that you may see that have found my way through all the twists and turns of the journey, and what an amazing one it's been so far! I've learnt how to make every juicy moment count and to never waste a moment. So as I share with you today, I’m wide awake, in perfect health, blissfully happy with myself and my life. I'm blessed to have manifested into my life the most wonderful man, my twin flame and the love of my life; Jon. I am abundantly blessed and filled with love for my beautiful, witty and intelligent daughter Sarah (who has taught me so much and continues to do so, she is well now by the way and under went heart surgery in July), my loving family (now much extended to include Jon’s lovely girls Olivia and Rachel and his family) and my wonderful,amazing, uplifting friends ( you know who you are, I love you all x) I have become a very different human being to the old Lisa. I have evolved. Before I was all about “doing” now I’m about “Being”, about appreciating life and all it brings. About living through gratitude for my many, many abundant blessings. The gift I was given ( I do see every experience as a gift), my wake-up call, allowed me to follow my true calling. In order that I can now live on purpose.You could say I Got a Life! I hope that this blog/ website and my work may bring you great pleasure, bring you a smile, some inspiration and allow you to wake-up gently, bringing your true spirit to light. Namaste Lisa x This dropped into my inbox this afternoon, I think I may have seen it before, but felt it was worth sharing! Sound words indeed from Erma.
Review your life today - Where are you sweating the small stuff ? Are you rushing through life trying to get to the destination without trully saviouring the journey? What can you learn from Erma's wisdom...... take stock now, in this moment... don't waste another moment ! Make every moment count, Lisa xxx TO LIVE OVER - by Erma Bombeck (written after she found out she was dying from Polycystic kidney disease). I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day. I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace. I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains. I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.' There would have been more 'I love you's' More 'I'm sorry's.' But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute.look at it and really see it . . live it and never give it back. STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!! Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us. Maybe we should all grab that purple hat earlier. Please share this with all the phenomenal women in your life today in celebration of Beautiful Women's Month. If you do, something good will happen--you will boost another woman's self esteem. |