I wonder...... how do I show up when I'm having a good day? Well as I have lots of sunny Yellow energy I'm guessing that I might appear enthusiastic, possibly I might become more creative, I share my optimism with the World and embrace the very best of my pure glowing yellowness! If my Green energy is showing up ( which it generally does too ) you'll see me as calm and considerate perhaps? Mmmm.... so what happens when I'm having a bad day? Good question! Well I'll probably be a bit unorganised, I may come across as a bit loud and careless, or you may think me stubborn or totally withdrawn. Isn't it interesting the difference a day makes? Of course we always have a choice how we show up, how we choose our attitude in a morning when we get out of bed! There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. W. Clement Stone As you know I've been working with colour in different guises for a very long time now, and more recently with colour personality profiling. I find it fascinating how your colour energy can shift and move in time with your mood. Take a look at the picture above... Do you recognise yourself on a good day and a bad day? What about those around you? It does make you recognise the signs that your loved one may be getting stressed, or even you may recognise that you're not only having a bad day, but that your stress levels may need a bit of attention. Sometimes all that's needed is an acknowledgement, and you can shift your energy back to having a good day. But if the bad day feeling is lingering then what can you do? Well depending on your personal colour energies, there may be different answers to the question. But I'd urge you to think or feel your way into what brings you back to you. It may be going out dancing, or sitting quietly with a good book,having a massage or some reflexology ( I can help with that!) it may be walking out in nature or hitting the treadmill.Whatever is right for you and your colour energy! But what happens when a bad few days turns into full on stress? What happens to our energy then? Well this is where it get really interesting! As an example, take my predominant energy of Yellow, when under extreme stress I may tip into the opposite colour energy of Blue ( not that there's anything wrong with blue of course) but the bad day blue of a bright sunny yellow isn't an energy to be savoured. Or my strong green energy can flip into the extremely bad day of hell fire type red energy. ( I'd stand well back should that ever happen) Take a look at the picture and see if you can recognise your own energy patterns, What's your best day and how do you show up, and then what's your worst. If you can become aware of how your energy is showing up, if its less than best you can do something about it! What about those around you, notice anything? If you notice that your partner is dipping into their own 'bad day' energy, maybe you can help shift them back to their best day, just by realising that their energy is off kilter, rather than reacting to their lower energy? Its such a useful tool when you look at it, don't you think? So today I'd urge you to have your best day, shine your colours bright upon the World, and if you're day thus far, is a little dull or grey then perhaps you can sit quietly for a moment now and bring back your balance by focussing your intent on the four elements... The Four Element 5 minute Meditation Earth: THE FIRST ELEMENT… Notice your feet on the ground. Press your feet on the ground back and forth slowly. Notice how the ground supports your feet……… Press your back into the chair………. Notice how the chair supports you. Air: THE SECOND ELEMENT……..Breath….. Take a deep belly breath…One hand on your belly….One hand on your chest……breathe into your belly…..for the count of four…….and out slowly for the count of four…..notice how your hand rises on your belly as you breath in…… Water: THE THIRD ELEMENT…….Water is the saliva in our mouth…we can feel it when we are relaxed…..it dries up when we are tense ……..imagine water flowing into your mouth and feel the saliva filing your mouth Fire: Lighting up our imagination. Going to your safe place in your mind. Notice what you see and feel. Notice what you hear and smell. Allow yourself to stay in this place for a few moments. ![]() Until next time, Make every moment count, Lisa xxx
1 Comment
18/5/2013 11:06:30 am
Hi Lisa
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