So it's 2017...... Here's a crazy idea.... Read a book a month and write a blog a day for a year!1/1/2017 ![]() So I start 2017, flirting with the cold bug that my gorgeous man has been nursing since Christmas.... just when I thought I'd gotten away with it.... dosing up on multi vitamins ..... what a gift though, just as Jon had been hurtling towards the end of the year and his body made him stop.... mine has pretty much done the same... not in equal measure in fairness, but no the less caused an enforced sofa day. As is the custom in our house every New Year's day, Mr Davies writes his reflections in his journal, he carries out this ritual every year as he has year upon year. It got me to thinking and reflecting too. I'm in a 5 personal year numerologically speaking and this is all about FREEDOM, in my case to do those things I want to do and say no to those I don't, and to take time out , to have time to spend with family and friends and to travel. I've also been reflecting on balance, that I'm fully aware that work has been all encompassing and that even I,( who should definitely know better) needs more downtime, to create, to write and to grow. It's far too long since I blogged or wrote an article something I absolutely adore,I even set out to write another book at the beginning of 2016, that I haven't had the time and or head space to write. So today I've made a commitment... one I may later find somewhat of a challenge considering it's going to be a fairly packed year including our wedding and honeymoon! I've said it out loud and I've now I'm writing it down...... I intend to read a book a month and write a blog a day. ( I even considered deleting the facebook app from my smart phone so it was less accessible but I'm not quite ready to go cold turkey on that just yet ha ha) So with this in mind I picked up the nearest book I'd previously started and not finished and began again.... Pam Grout's E3..... Nine more energy experiments that prove manifesting magic and miracles is your full-time gig. It's some time since I read E2 which I found great fun, I even got Jon and his dad involved by spotting beige cars and purple feathers.... So I'm setting out on the first of the experiments today: #Experiment 1 - The boogie-woogie collary ( or the importance of not being earnest) Which opens with the fabulous John Lennon Quote: This first experiment talks of charging rhino's, the trajectory of your thoughts and turning your one-way fun channel into a superhighway.
Why not pop back tomorrow to see how I get along? Or if you feel so inclined get yourself a copy of the book and join in, its great to join in with a group when doing these experiments... there are a couple of rules Pam sets out ... 1. Commit to discussing only what's going right (there's millions of the population focusing on what's going wrong so no need to add to that) 2. Commit to having fun So there we go.... day one of 365 of a blog a day and book of the month commenced!
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