![]() As a therapist working with energy on a daily basis, I'm always interested to hear of "new" energy healing approaches I haven't come across before. I know what you're thinking, energy is energy right? And I wouldn't necessarily disagree. How we work with energy can however be applied through many different modalities. So, earlier in the year I was blessed to speak at Melvyn Carlile's MBS event at the NEC, which was absolutely fabulous by the way and if you've never visited one of Mel's events then I'd urge you to get along to them in 2016. They're a truly magical experience. Whilst there, before speaking, I took the opportunity to have a little mooch around. I met many friends old and new, but there were a couple of people who really caught my attention ( Like I was being given a little nudge to pay attention) One of which was Jerry Sargeant, also known as The Facilitator. I chatted with Jerry for a short time and found he had a truly fascinating story to tell. Now I've been around the MBS world for many years , and I've heard many fantastical stories over that time I can tell you, but I have to say there was something quite unique about Jerry. So much so, I exchanged a copy of my book for a copy of one of his and went on my way..... I wanted to learn a little more about this pretty tough looking, heavily tattooed former boxer, with a healing heart and soulful eyes, the kind that holds you in a kind of otherworldly strange space, somewhat like I imagine looking into Dynamo's eyes might be (Another who I question ... can he really be of this world?) , slightly unnerving, yet mesmerising ..... ![]() On returning home I settled down to read Jerry's book. This is what it says on the back cover to give you an idea: "'Into the Light' - Raising the Global Vibration is a channelled exploration of the path to enlightenment and the future of global consciousness offering answers to some of the most fundamental spiritual questions we have today. Jerry will share with you his vision of a new earth and how we can raise the vibration on this planet by re-connecting with the authentic essence of all life. The passion and inspiration will shine through and your vibration will lift as you unlock a part of you that is full of strength, power, purity and energy. People across the world are experiencing a spiritual shift as part of an evolutionary growth in global consciousness. Now, more than ever people are yearning for the answers such as why am I here? What is the meaning of life and what lies beyond? 'Into the Light' will give the answers you're looking for and so much more; covering past life regression, the make-up of the universe, the key to inner peace, the truth about extra-terrestrials, the afterlife and a first-hand narrative of Jerry's own spiritual awakening. An exciting, interesting and enlightening journey told through the channelled words of the Angel-Gabriel by author Jerry Sargeant." What is interesting is that the book is written in a very autobiographical way. There is some level of repetition and at times it jumps back and forth, but this isn't a bad thing. It gives the feeling that this is a book that is written from the heart, in the flow of Jerry's thoughts rather than an over edited instruction manual to greater enlightenment.Its a very personal account of spiritual awakening. Having both spoken to Jerry in person and read his book I know he's not one to shy away from talking about his experiences without trying to censor, hide or sanitise his experiences. He has had both a colourful past and an extraordinary experience of spiritual growth. Even in the MBS world not many ex fighters would speak so candidly about extra terrestrials, past lives and his connection to life in every flower, plant and tree. There are many beautiful quotes in the book, this one stood out for me as I'm writing this blog: "I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not shrink to a grain of sand" - Og Mandino. We're all here for a purpose so important, who are we to play it small? Shortly after finishing his book you can imagine my delight when I received an email from Jerry, saying that I had won a free distance healing session ( I'd entered a prize draw at the show). So I arranged a suitable date to receive my healing. Before the session I spoke with Jerry on the phone, and then followed the simple instructions. I relaxed and just allowed the session to run. I simply felt light, relaxed and warm. A feeling of nurture and safety.... a feeling of being held in a spiritual type of way. And as Jerry suggested when it was done, it was done and I just knew and got on with my day. Feeling happy and uplifted. Following the healing Jerry emailed me with his experience: "Hi Lisa, Your 2,3 and 4 year old self came to me immediately during that healing. There was a disconnect between you and those three versions of your younger self. This was confirmed in your lower abdomen in terms of stuck energy. This has stopped you from fully stepping into your power. You are doing lots of great things and I know you know there is another level. The thing is this next level really a step into the stratosphere. I re-connected you to these three littler version of you that were lost in another space. You were all so happy after. The stagnant/stuck energy in your lower energy centres dissipated straight away. You are ready to unleash your greatness now Lisa, a in a major way! Any emotions that rise, please express them fully. Zero attachment. Allow them and let them go. With Energy, Jerry :)" I have to say that the whole experience was one of childlike wonder and a feeling of infinite possibilities. Jerry certainly has many clients singing his praises and why not? Jerry is certainly weaving his star magic and doing his bit in raising the global vibration...... and that is much needed in today's ever changing world. If you'd like to learn more about Jerry's work or learn how to become a star magic practitioner visit: http://thefacilitatorhealing.com/ Until next time, make every moment count, Lisa xxx
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